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Korea Health Information Service

What is the survey on the current state of e-healthcare?

A project to establish a reference point for setting policy directions and goals through investigations of information infrastructure by type and characteristics of domestic medical institutions, manpower status, obstacles, awareness level and technology status, etc. in order to establish evidence-based medical information policy


Designing meaningful survey items for each area of medical information policy, conducting current status survey and identifying analysis results to use it as the basis for policy.

Major content

Survey characteristics

  • Including comprehensive information on the overall system of collecting, sharing, and utilizing health care data necessary for establishment and evaluation of medical information policy
  • Designed to be comparable with the results of the preceding survey (2015, 2017s) and international indicators of medical information
  • Composition of items such as informatization awareness, site demand, and technical use status

Survey design

Survey design(Group, Sample size, Sampling, Survey method, Data collection method, Parameter estimation)
  • Nursing care facilities as of end of April, 2020 (excluding clinics, midwifery, pharmacy)
Sample size
  • Higher level general hospital, general hospital: total survey
  • Hospital: sample survey
  • Multi-Stage Systemic Sampling
Survey method
  • Multi-Method
    > In principle, a visit survey using a tablet PC is used, but if the respondent wishes, CAWI/FAX/mail survey methods, etc.
Data collection method
  • Structures Questionnaire
Parameter estimation
  • Apply weights reflecting stratification and colony effects
  • Application of parameter estimation formula suitable for complex sample design

Questionnaire composition

Questionnaire composition(A Basis, B Current status, C Care, D Research and utilization)
A Basis
(Data generation)
B Current status
(Data management)
C Care
(Primary use of data)
D Research and utilization
(Secondary use of data)
  • A1 Information system
  • A2 Informatization governance
  • A3 Informatization standards
  • A4 Education and HR development
  • B1 EMR status
  • B2 EMR certification
  • B3 Personal information protection
  • B4 Information security
  • C1 EMR upgrade
  • C2 Care information exchanges
  • C3 PHR
  • C4 Smart hospital
  • D1 Data utilization and sharing system
  • D2 Data analysis environment
  • D3 Basis for supporting data utilization

National informatization status report

  • Current state of e-healthcare of the medical institutions
  • Implications and policy implications for each medical information policy field
  • Results of analysis on diagnosis of e-healthcare among countries
  • Measures to ensure continuity and effectiveness of national e-healthcare status survey

Expected effects

  • Deriving the direction of health care information policy and preparing the basis data for specific policy establishment
    • Establishment and opening of DB and open API through systematic of source data for e-healthcare status survey
    • Using as basic data for the promotion of medical information policy tasks centered on the 4th industrial revolution
  • Proposal of international level informatization evaluation index
    • Securing basic data that can be analyzed by comparing Korea's health and medical information level with overseas
    • Securing basic data for analyzing gaps with advanced countries (GAP) and establishing major policy directions for applying core health care information technology
  • Developing new medical technology
    • Development of new medical technologies based on medical data such as new drugs, medical devices, and artificial intelligence (AI) and related industries
    • Through systematic management of requirements and in-depth analysis of survey results, it can be used as a basis for promoting health care informatization projects, and through this, it can be used as basic data for the national health care comprehensive plan